We are here for children from 0 to 18 years old

We can treat a wide variety of medical problems

Baby problems, such as excessive crying, suspected cow’s milk allergy, or reflux
Other pains
Feeding problems
Head ache
Medical problems of the airways, such as coughing or astma
Growth or development problems
Recurrent infections
Urinary tract problems
Skin problems such as eczema
Stomach ache
No emergency care

Please be aware that there is no Emergency Department at our practice. At Kinderarts Dichtbij we provide outpatient pediatric care only.If your child has an urgent medical problem for which he or she is not being treated at Kinderarts Dichtbij, please contact your general practitioner or a local hospital.

Face-to-face and digital consultations

Consultations can be both face-to-face and digital. We will take your preferences into account as much as possible. In some cases, the pediatrician can even do a consultation at your home. Please ask your pediatrician for the possibilities.  

Short waiting times

At Kinderarts Dichtbij, waiting times are short. Usually the firts appointment is within one week after referral.

Longer consultation times

We take more time than usual for the consultations. There is no rush.

Close contact

We stay in close contact with other health care professionals involved with your child.

Geen spoedeisende hulp

Let op: Kinderarts Dichtbij is een polikliniek. Er is bij ons geen dagbehandeling of spoedeisende hulp en we kunnen dus geen acute zorg leveren. Bij spoedeisende problemen moet contact worden opgenomen met een algemeen ziekenhuis.


The KinderCoPoli is a unique collaboration between pediatrician and pediatric physical therapists, and will be  an additional service at Kinderarts Dichtbij. This way, we believe to provide efficient and complementary care.  With the financial help of the municipality of Rotterdam, we will be able to offer this service soon. Read more on our news page.

read more

De KinderCoPoli betreft een samenwerkingsverband tussen Kinderarts Dichtbij en Kinderfysiotherapie TRIAS op verwijsbasis. Kinderarts Dichtbij en Kinderfysiotherapie TRIAS leveren ieder namens hun eigen organisatie zorg. Hier vindt je meer informatie over Kinderfysiotherapie TRIAS.

Care is covered by the insurance

If you have insurance at a Dutch health insurer, and your child has a referral letter from your GP or other doctor, the care at Kinderarts Dichtbij is covered by your insurance.  You pay nothing extra.

The payment process is a little different from the hospitals. In The Netherlands, there are fixed rates for general pediatric care. That means that Kinderarts Dichtbij charges the same rates as the hospitals do for pediatric care. Three to four months after the first consultation at Kinderarts Dichtbij, you will receive an invoice from us. You can easily send this invoice to your health insurer (online or with an app). After reimbursement by the insurer, you may make the payment to Kinderarts Dichtbij.  This means that you have just a little bit extra administration, but we will make your effort worth while. Please read the payment terms here.

If you need any help during the payment process, please let us know. Your pediatrician will be happy to help.

Insurance at Zilveren Kruis, FBTO, Interpolis, De Friesland, ONVZ, VGZ or Zorg en Zekerheid?

If you have health care insurance at Zilveren Kruis, FBTO, Interpolis, De Friesland, ONVZ, VGZ, or Zorg en Zekerheid, we are able to send the invoice directly to your insurer. Other labels of ONVZ and VGZ are:

PNO Zorg
IZZ door VGZ
UMC Zorgverzekering

Do you have a referral letter to Kinderarts Dichtbij?

Within two days, we will call you to make the first appointment. If you cannot wait, please contact us.

make an appointment

No referral letter?

If you don’t have a referral letter, but you would like to make an appoinment at Kinderarts Dichtbij anyway, then the so called ‘passantentarief’ is applicable.  A ‘passantentarief‘ refers to the fixed maximal costs for a specific treatment as determined by the Dutch national health authority (NZA). You can find the specific costs here. Please note that your insurer may not reimburse the costs for consultations without a referral letter.


Kinderarts Dichtbij takes into account the privacy regulations. Please press the button below for the privacy statement (in Dutch).
